Mobile application for making an appointment at Beauty Salons
Pink Avenue is an app that allows users to make an appointment for a beauty salon visit in advance. It allows you to find beauty services in the desired location, pick a date, and make an instant booking.
Its goal is to provide a fast and easy way to get a beauty appointment today. It allows stylists and visitors to have a simple scheduling system so they can keep track of their appointments.
KEY Skills
UX / UI Designer
6 weeks
UX Research
Visual Design
The founder of Pink Avenue wanted to make it easier for the customers to make scheduling system at the salons. She got inspired by Uber and wanted to combine it with Groupon in the field of beauty services.
My Role was to do an end to end project with stress on a UX part.
As the only UX designer in the team, I owned the entire product from initial ideation to tweaking pixels right before rollout.
I have been working fully remotely and with a small agile team of a Project manager, Software Engineer, QA engineer, and Product Owners.
Did UX research, Low fidelity wireframes, clickable prototypes, and user tastings

I have followed IDEO’s human-centered design model to make sure my design decisions were supported by enough research so I have started the process with user research and ended with validation.

Understanding Content requirements, Project goals and highlighting functionality requirements for potential users based on the Research analysis and Researched competitors
Created Customer Journey maps for different phases of my app to determine the problems. Based on the user needs to create three user personas who combine a group of people with the same needs.
Used User scenarios to design the first paper sketches for each flow separately. Used Figma to create high fidelity wireframes and made them clickable for user testing.
Created High fidelity mockups and shared with the team for feedback. Testing prototypes with clickable screens for user tastings.
Although almost everyone is visiting the salon and could be considered as a potential user of the salon booking application, I have focused more on some user groups who might be more likely to use Pink Avenue on a daily basis.

With the user groups in In my mind, I have created a user survey in my google doc and sent them out to my email contacts differentiating from the salon workers and other users.

Sample Questions

Most participants faced flexibility issue when choosing date and time at the booking stage
Almost half of them never knew that can easily schedule an appointment at a nearby salon via phone app

After highlighting and validating the main user needs based on the survey, I did a Qualitative Competitive analysis of 4 main competitors in order to find the gap in the market and fill it.
Understanding the landscape of competitors not only helped me to improve my design decisions but it also helps inform the overall product strategy. A UX competitive analysis gave me an idea of how to create a superior product that would stand out from competitors.

Based on the takeaways from the Survey and Competitive analysis I have grouped three types of Pink Avenue Users: Salon clients, Salon Workers, and Solo Hairstylists. In my study, I have created user cases separately for each of them.

After interviewing users started filling empathy maps based on their answers (filled empathy maps for each of them individually) at the same time was keeping it alive by revising and adjusting them with more research.

Admin Side
With the user groups in my mind, I have created user cases for each user group. Used Paper task flows and created wire-flows which used later on for Low Fidelity wireframes.

Storyboards: Created separate storyboards for salon users and managers
User Flows: Created separate user flows for each use case and used them for prototyping
Used aggregated empathy maps for the user segment

Based on my User Flows and Wire-Flows I began out sketching screens for mobile app.
After a quick sketch with pencil and pen, I jump into the Figma to create low fidelity wireframes to get ready for prototyping and Wireframing.
Shared clickable prototypes for testing purposed with team members first, in order to find usability issues at an early stage.

Screens for each side Admin+User Side
Investment has been done due to this project so the startup who has hired me will start working on the web application as well.

In general, this project helped me to show my understanding of the business goals and user needs for a project, introducing and implementing into the project. At the end feel more experienced in User research, Competitor analysis, and Marketing strategy.
WHAT I learned ?
Even though the usability testing was completed successfully, it doesn’t mean there is no need for improvements.
In-person Usability testing would allow me to learn more about my users like the way they behave might be completely different from the way they have answered the interview questions.
The major challenge was to meet user needs for different groups of people in the one application.
This is where I would like to improve this project because of the fact the user goals and needs are completely different when using this app.